“A Better and Safe Lebanon Needs A New Leadership”

Britto Josh
1 min readNov 6, 2021


Here’s something acceptable that I need to impart to what I read today. It’s with regards to how I have reliably been confounded by Lebanese political partnered programs. These shows proceed for a significant long time, with comparable guests government authorities, and specialists analyzing the intriguing issue of the week. When in doubt, the charming issue is something almost identical, as nothing really changes in the dynamic of Lebanon, in this manner, they end up reiterating a comparative assessment over and over. They have talked for so long that they have stopped looking at the movements their overall environmental elements are going through.

Checking out it, there is a mix of refusal, narcissism, and wistfulness in Lebanese political media content. Notwithstanding their political association, all of the guests really expect Lebanon is the №1 need of regional, around the world, and world pioneers. They keep on expecting that an extraordinary external intercession should come and end the political stop and tragic altruistic situation the country faces. Accordingly, every time world or regional pioneers meet, they acknowledge they will look at Lebanon as an issue of distress.



Britto Josh

There are two kinds of people in this world… And I don´t like them. These are my opinions.