Crisis in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir: Dwindling Economy, Pak Police Brutality Trigger Civil Unrest

Britto Josh
3 min readMay 13, 2024


Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (POK), also known as Azad Jammu and Kashmir, has been grappling with a deepening crisis marked by a dwindling economy and allegations of police brutality. The region, which has long been under the control of Pakistan, is witnessing civil unrest as its residents voice their grievances against economic hardships and human rights abuses. The combination of a fragile economy and a growing discontent among the populace has created a volatile situation, demanding urgent attention and resolution.

Economic Struggles:
The economy of POK has been under strain for years, with limited investment and development opportunities. The region heavily relies on agriculture, but inadequate infrastructure, lack of modern farming techniques, and limited access to markets have hindered its growth potential. Unemployment rates are high, and poverty is widespread, exacerbating the economic challenges faced by the local population. Furthermore, corruption and mismanagement have impeded progress and eroded public trust in the government’s ability to address these issues effectively.

Allegations of Police Brutality:
The recent wave of civil unrest in POK has been fueled by allegations of police brutality. Reports of excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests, and intimidation tactics by law enforcement agencies have sparked outrage among the local population. Human rights organizations and activists have documented cases of extrajudicial killings and torture, raising concerns about the deteriorating state of civil liberties in the region. These incidents have further eroded public confidence in the authorities and contributed to the growing unrest.

Voices of Dissent:
In response to the economic challenges and the alleged police brutality, the people of POK have taken to the streets to voice their dissent. Protests demanding economic reforms, job opportunities, and an end to human rights abuses have gained momentum. Social media platforms have played a crucial role in amplifying these voices and spreading awareness about the situation in POK. The collective frustration and sense of injustice have united diverse segments of society, including students, activists, and political groups, in their call for change.

International Attention and Response:
The crisis in POK has caught the attention of the international community, with human rights organizations and some governments expressing concern over the deteriorating situation. Calls for an independent investigation into allegations of police brutality and human rights violations have grown louder. International pressure is mounting on Pakistan to address the grievances of the people of POK and ensure respect for human rights and civil liberties in the region. However, achieving a meaningful resolution to the crisis will require sustained dialogue and cooperation between all stakeholders involved.

The Road Ahead:
Resolving the crisis in POK necessitates a multi-faceted approach. Addressing the economic challenges requires investment in infrastructure, agriculture, and industries that can generate employment opportunities. Efforts to combat corruption and improve governance are crucial to restoring public trust and ensuring effective utilization of resources. Simultaneously, the allegations of police brutality must be thoroughly investigated, and steps should be taken to hold those responsible accountable.

The crisis in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir is a result of a combination of economic struggles and allegations of police brutality. The residents of POK, facing a declining economy and human rights abuses, have taken to the streets to demand change and justice. It is imperative for the international community to pay attention to the situation and support initiatives that promote economic development, good governance, and respect for human rights in the region. A peaceful and prosperous POK is not only essential for the well-being of its residents but also crucial for regional stability and harmony.



Britto Josh

There are two kinds of people in this world… And I don´t like them. These are my opinions.