Israeli state head shields shooting of harmed Palestinian

Britto Josh
2 min readDec 6, 2021


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday guarded his officers who gave dead a harmed Palestinian in involved East Jerusalem.

“The officials acted extraordinarily, precisely as is needed from warriors in a functional circumstance like this,” Bennett said in a week after week bureau meeting.

Mohammad Salimah, 25, was shot dead by Israeli police on Saturday close to the Damascus Gate outside Jerusalem’s Old City for supposedly doing a blade assault.

A video shot by activists showed an Israeli cop shooting Salimah when he was lying on the ground. One more video showed Israeli cops with firearms drawn keeping doctors from arriving at the harmed youth.

The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) considered the Israeli killing of Salimah an “extra-legal execution.”

Bennett, nonetheless, demanded that the video of the shooting was “altered”, saying that “I recommend to everybody: Never race to make a judgment about the conduct of officials in complex functional circumstances despite psychological warfare. It’s in every case better to stand by a moment.”

As far as it matters for him, Israeli Regional Cooperation Minister Issawi Frej censured the conscious killing of the Palestinian, saying “aggressors ought to be shot to save lives, not to take (the assailants’) lives when they at this point don’t represent a danger.”

Middle Easterner Israeli administrator Ayman Odeh, who is at the top of the Joint List, said “starting to shoot at an individual who doesn’t represent a danger should be censured not upheld.”

A few Palestinian and global freedoms bunches have blamed Israeli powers for taking shots at Palestinians who don’t represent any danger or risk to them and of being uninterested in Palestinian lives.



Britto Josh

There are two kinds of people in this world… And I don´t like them. These are my opinions.