Oman: making Palestinian issue public instead of strict ‘serious mix-up’
The Grand Mufti of Oman, Sheik Ahmed Bin Hamad Al-Khaleeli, said on Wednesday that diverting the Palestine issue from a strict make a difference to a public one “was a major authentic error,” has revealed.
“The Palestine issue isn’t public or well known, yet a strict one as it isn’t connected exclusively to the land,” said the mufti on Twitter. “The most unmistakable thing is the control of the Islamic asylums which have prophetic roots and profound stubborn imagery. Thusly, every Muslim, who trusts in Allah and the Last Day, must be miserable for itself and go to bat for freeing it.”
Sheik Al-Khaleeli focused on that this “authentic error prompted the control of the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.”
The mufti has been hailed by Arab and Muslim countries for his valiant fatwas (strict suppositions) and positions that he has embraced on the side of Muslim and Arab privileges, as well as his help for Arab and Muslim solidarity.
Individuals who will actually want to free Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque, he demands, will be valid Muslims and very much associated with God.