Why The Hindujas, UK’s Wealthiest Family, Face Jail Term In Switzerland

Britto Josh
2 min readJun 22, 2024


The Hindujas, the UK’s wealthiest family, are facing potential jail time in Switzerland for allegedly exploiting their Indian employees at their Geneva villa. A Swiss judge has found four family members guilty of illegal employment, a charge they are appealing in a higher court. The court has criticized the Hindujas for their treatment of staff, whom prosecutors claim were subjected to inhumane conditions at the family mansion.

Prakash Hinduja and his wife Kamal Hinduja have been sentenced to four years and six months in jail, while their son Ajay and his wife Namrata have been sentenced to four years each. However, the family has been acquitted of the more serious charge of human trafficking.

The Hindujas, whose wealth is estimated at around $47 billion, have business interests spanning oil and gas, banking, and healthcare across 38 countries.

During the trial, prosecutors alleged that the Hindujas paid their staff only $8 (Rs 660) for working up to 18 hours a day, far below the Swiss legal minimum wage. They also claimed that the family confiscated their staff’s passports and restricted their movements.

The Hindujas denied the allegations, stating that their employees were free to leave and received adequate benefits. They argued that the staff were grateful for the opportunities provided to them.

In a statement, the Hindujas expressed their shock and disappointment at the verdict, stating that they have filed an appeal in a higher court.

While the Hindujas had previously settled with three employees who had accused them of mistreatment, the prosecution proceeded with the case due to its seriousness.

Prakash and Kamal Hinduja, both in their 70s, did not attend the court proceedings due to health reasons. Ajay and Namrata were present during the trial but were not in court to hear the verdict.



Britto Josh

There are two kinds of people in this world… And I don´t like them. These are my opinions.